Best Article 2019

We are very happy to inform you that we have the best article for 2019! Your opinion matters, so we would like to sincerely thank every one of you who has voted.


Oleg Roizman

Oleg Roizman

We are very happy to inform you that we have the best article for 2019! Your opinion matters, so we would like to sincerely thank every one of you who has voted.

Your choice for the best article for the year 2019 is:

Oleg Roizman with his Moisture equilibrium in transformer insulation systems: Mirage or reality?

The ten voters who have won a one-year complimentary digital subscriptions are: Emil Mechkov, Román Fuentes Arosti, Arif Patel, Rogério Magalhães de Azevedo, Arturo Ramírez, Barry Beaster, Peter Kung, Javier Torres, Saleh Forouhari and Hamid A.
They will be contacted via e-mail.

Thanks everyone for participating and we hope to deliver you only the best articles going forward.