BEST ARTICLE 2023: Vote and win a one-year digital subscription!

With the year behind us, we want you to share your thoughts with us and tell us what you think was the best article published in Transformers Magazine in 2023.


Best article 2023


Win a one-year digital subscription!

With the year coming to an end, and the new year approaching, we are making plans for the year that is coming and we are embracing new challenges and ventures, but we want to give credit to the projects we had the privilege to work on.

With 2023 behind us, we would like you to share your thoughts with us on what you think was the best article published in Transformers Magazine in 2023.

Which article do you think had the potential to make a difference, which dealt with the most original or interesting subject, which was the most appealing to you in terms of research or findings? Was there an article that helped with a particular conundrum or solved an issue that you encountered in your work? Whatever your criteria may be, we would like to hear your opinion on which article was the best article published in Transformers Magazine in 2023 and why.

Click through our Archive browser to remind yourself of the articles published in Volume 10, and then visit our Best Article 2023 webpage to vote for your favourite article!

The voting is open until 1 January 2024.

10 voters will receive a one-year digital subscription and the author of the winning article will receive a free conference fee which covers the costs of the Transformers Magazine Industry Navigator Conference 2024 social program.

Please note that you can vote for your favourite article in every issue from last year, for a maximum of one vote per issue (altogether six votes per user).