California ISO Board approves $2.9 B-worth 10-year plan

USA, California: California Independent System Operator (ISO) Board of Governors approved the 2021-2022 10-Year Transmission Plan on 17 March.


California power transmission

Image source: T&D World

USA, California: California Independent System Operator (ISO) Board of Governors approved the 2021-2022 10-Year Transmission Plan on 17 March.

The blueprint will boost grid resiliency during the state’s electrification push and ongoing transition to carbon-free resources.

The plan identified 23 projects estimated to cost $2.9 B for system expansions, upgrades, and reinforcements needed for reliability and to meet the state’s clean-energy targets efficiently and cost-effectively for the next 10 years.

“This plan is part of our ongoing commitment to resource adequacy and transmission sufficiency in California,” said Elliot Mainzer, President and CEO, ISO. “It is the result of extensive collaboration with the California Public Utilities Commission, the California Energy Commission, and utilities and stakeholders from across the region. We are looking forward to the next steps in moving from planning to energization.”

The latest plan reflects an escalation in the need for new transmission. The increase is attributed to rapid acceleration in the need for new generation driven by the state’s goals of getting all electricity from carbon-free resources by 2045, and further electrifying the transportation, industrial, and residential sectors.

Next year’s plan is currently projected to assume a requirement of more than 4000 MW of new resources per year. The plan approved this week is based on an intermediate level of about 2700 MW of new resources per year. It represents a meaningful step forward in meeting the grid’s emerging challenges, while also recognizing that more transmission projects will be needed in the years ahead.

The latest transmission plan also outlines the role for a widening and expanding set of diverse resources to meet clean energy goals, including geothermal, new out-of-state renewables, and future offshore wind generation.

Now that it has been approved, the plan will guide collaborative activities for the implementation of the newly approved projects, including initiating a competitive solicitation process for four of the higher-voltage projects. Approval of the plan also sets in motion contractual agreements and cost recovery for transmission upgrades through ISO transmission rates.


Source: T&D World