Call for papers in Special Edition – Sustainable investments

We invite all interested parties to take part in TM’s Special Edition focusing on sustainable investments.


TM Industry Navigator Sustainable investments


Transformers Magazine cordially invites all interested parties including academic researchers, professional engineers, electrical utilities and consultants, as well as component and material manufacturers to take part in TM’s Special Edition focusing on sustainable investments, to be published in May 2024. Please note that the topics featured in this edition are related to the topics which will be featured at Transformers Magazine’s Industry Navigator conference, to be held in June!

This special edition aims to contribute to the understanding of advanced solutions through the exchange of available information and to present new ideas, to encourage the market to take the necessary steps forward.

Authors can express intent to submit a paper or submit their full-length manuscripts following our regular submission procedure by 4 March 2024 by email to Please, specify in all correspondence and submissions that your work is intended for special edition Sustainable investments.

With this edition, we wish to give an opportunity to all interested parties for presenting their ideas on technology, business and innovations, as well as to support them on the way to practical application.

Here is what Dr Bhaba P. Das, our Best author of 2023, said about the edition:

“Transformers Magazine provides an excellent platform for industry professionals to write about concepts in an easy-to-understand language, receive honest feedback and directly connect with readers. I highly recommend considering this platform to share your ideas with the worldwide transformer community!”

This is what Jean Sanchez, Senior Transformer Engineer at EDF, said about the significance of the topics:

“Since recently, the power transformers manufacturing load is moving from 2 to 3 years due to investments in renewable energy and upgrading the grids to make old installations more reliable, or extending it.

This situation could should be linked with two other long term strong trends: improving the global Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the transformers, and the industry is still working on finding some common way, and how to deal with the shortage of skilled people at all levels.

For sure, this situation is challenging for most stakeholders in the transformer industry! However, it’s also a perfect moment to face those challenges to be more efficient, innovative and improve globally our industry on topics like: How to manufacture greener transformers worldwide? How to face the load for years for manufacturers? How to get transformers according needed specifications for utilities, first, and in reasonable delays, next? And for all, how to attract, teach and keep talents motivated in transformers industry, especially over long term?

Clearly those questions are driving a significant part of transformer industry today. I’m confident that as long as we are thinking on how to fix those issues, solutions will find their ways, and yours is the most welcome in the years to come.”

Contact us to join our Editorial Board as an editor/reviewer or to express your interest in publishing an article in Special Edition – Sustainable investments.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!