CERC’s transmission licence for ISTS schemes

CERC has granted interstate transmission licences to three ISTS schemes.


CERC’s transmission licence for ISTS schemes

Image for illustration purposes.

India, Gurugram: CERC has granted interstate transmission licences to three ISTS schemes.

In recent independent orders, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has granted interstate transmission licences to three ISTS schemes.

All the three projects were secured by Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) under the tariff based competitive bidding (TBCB) mechanism. The transmission licence will be valid for a period of 25 years and is subject to the fulfilment of statutory conditions.

The three projects are as follows: Western Region Expansion Scheme- XXVII (WRES-XXVII), to be completed in 18 months, transmission network expansion in Gujarat associated with integration of RE projects from Khavda potential RE zone, to be completed in 24 months, and the transmission scheme for evacuation of 4.5 GW RE injection at Khavda pooling station under Phase II – Part B, to be completed in 24 months.

The aforementioned three projects were among the seven ISTS projects that PGCIL won during the first four months (April to July) of FY24 under the TBCB modality, thus making the company the most successful bidder.

Source: T&D India