DGA Course: E-lesson #8 – Short review of the previous two levels: Advanced and adapted sampling techniques – available on demand!

Live session was held on Friday, 21 May


DGA Course - e-lesson #8 - illustration

Image for illustration purposes

If you have missed the live session, which was broadcasted on Friday, 21 May at the Transformers Academy, attend it on demand.

This course is authored and presented by Marius Grisaru, while this lesson is sponsored by MTE.

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In this lesson, you will learn about:

  • Brief overview of essential principles for meaningful DGA analysis
  • Extraction calibration and diagnosis
  • Advanced techniques for DGA sampling for offline and online measurements
  • Pros and cons of using different vessels for DGA adapted to different parameters
  • Why is it beneficial to be well trained and continuously practice and polish DGA sampling for anyone involved in DGA analysis, research, development and manufacture