Digital substation initiative launched to modernise power grid infrastructure

LF Energy launched its initiative to enhance the power grid's modularity, interoperability, and scalability to accelerate the effort toward carbon neutrality.



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USA, California, San Francisco: LF Energy, a Linux Foundation non-profit coalition that seeks to improve power grid infrastructure through open-source projects, launched its Digital Substation Automation Systems (DSAS) initiative to enhance the power grid’s modularity, interoperability, and scalability to accelerate the global effort toward carbon neutrality by 2050.

LF Energy, in partnership with GE Renewable Energy, Schneider Electric, RTE, Alliander, and other organisations in the energy sector, also launched today the first project under DSAS: CoMPAS, or Configuration Modules for Power industry Automation Systems.

“Our power grid is notoriously one of the greatest challenges for ending the climate crisis. With our CoMPAS project and other future DSAS projects, LF Energy and our members are proud to lead the charge in making 100 % decarbonisation a reality as we transform power grid infrastructure,” said Dr. Shuli Goodman, Executive Director of LF Energy.

The transition from fossil-based fuels to clean energy sources has given rise to variable conditions that cause fluctuations in power supply and demand, like renewable energy and electrical vehicles. Because of this, power grid operators now face greater challenges ensuring the grid is stable and optimises power supply and demand.

“Digital substations are growing up and this is the first time that so many leaders in the energy space have come together to create software to speed up this technology,” said Philippe Brun, Solutions Product Manager at GE Renewable Energy.

“With the support of LF Energy, GE’s Grid Automation is committed to collaborating on open-source projects like the DSAS initiative and CoMPAS to accelerate creating the electrical grid of the future.”

CoMPAS is the first of many leveraged collaboration projects in LF Energy’s DSAS initiative. This is the first time in the power industry that organisations have come together to build open-source solutions for energy systems from start to finish, as most open-source projects are formed using existing technology. CoMPAS specifically seeks to build standardised and broadly applicable software components that optimise protection, automation and control systems, as deploying modern PAC technologies is a pivotal first step to update substations.

Source: T&D World