EHV transformer arrives in Vöhringen

The 380/110 kV EHV transformer arrives in Vöhringen, Germany.


EHV transformer arrives in Vöhringen

Image source: Lechwerke AG

Germany, Vöhringen: The 380/110 kV EHV transformer arrives in Vöhringen, Germany.

The 380/110 kV extra-high-voltage transformer (EHV) with a 350 MVA power rating has finally arrived in Vöhringen after several weeks of transport across Germany by road, rail and ship. In the future, the transformer will strengthen the connection between LEW Verteilnetz GmbH‘s regional 110 kV distribution grid and Amprion GmbH‘s supra-regional 380 kV interconnected grid. This is the only way to have enough capacity to feed the rapidly increasing output of electricity from renewable energies from the LVN distribution grid into the upstream transmission grid.

The Vöhringen substation is one of a total of eight substations that link LVN’s regional electricity distribution grid with Amprion’s transmission grid. That is why it plays an extremely important role in the region’s network infrastructure. This is because it is only through such nodes that green energy can be transferred from the distribution grid to the interconnected grid and transported to exactly where it is needed throughout Germany and Europe.

The transformer is 12 m long and weighs 300 tons and will be commissioned in October 2023.

Source: LEW Verteilnetz GmbH