EIMV to install two phase-shifting transformers

Elektroinštitut Milan Vidmar (EIMV) has successfully completed the first phase of an international project whose investor is TRANSCO from Abu Dhabi.


Image source: EIMV

Slovenia: For the multinational WSP, Elektroinštitut Milan Vidmar (EIMV) has successfully completed the first phase of an international project whose investor is TRANSCO from Abu Dhabi.

TRANSCO is the transmission and distribution system operator in Abu Dhabi. The project envisages the installation of two phase-shifting transformers (PST), which will limit excessive energy flows through the 400 kV ADST substation.

Based on numerous analyses and extraordinary market requirements, in cooperation with WSP, Mladen Iglič prepared the tender documentation and the necessary technical specifications, which will be the basis for the providers of PSTs to prepare a demanding offer in accordance with the latest guidelines in this field.

A special feature of this project is that it is a large individual unit 2 × 1000 MVA with a voltage level of 400 kV and a control angle of ± 30 °. The RTP ADST is in the GIS version, so the PSTs will have a cable connection on both the source side and the load side.

Special mention should be made of the extraordinary requirements for efficient cooling (combination ONAN / ONAF / ODAF) and the requirements for low noise, as the ADST transformer station is in the immediate vicinity of the settlement.

The second phase of the project envisages a technical and economic evaluation of the received bids and a proposal for the selection of a supplier, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2020.

Source: Karmen Roizman, LinkedIn