Electricity transmission connection to Sweden is progressing

Fingrid Oyj, in cooperation with Svenska kraftnät, preparing a new transmission line from Pyhänselkä in Muhos via Keminmaa to Messaure.


Transmission line

Image for illustration purposes

Sweden: Fingrid Oyj, in cooperation with a Swedish transmission system operator, Svenska kraftnät, is preparing a new transmission line from Pyhänselkä in Muhos via Keminmaa to Messaure on the Swedish side of the border.

Third 400 kV cross-border connection will even out price differences between Sweden and Finland and improve sufficiency of electricity.

The third 400 kV cross-border connection is based on the need of the electricity market to increase electricity transmission between Sweden and Finland.

The cross-border capacity between the countries has at times been inadequate, leading to the electricity market not functioning efficiently and electricity prices diverging between the countries. In an import situation, this has resulted in price increases in Finland.

Furthermore, insufficient connections endanger the sufficiency of electricity in Finland in exceptional situations.

The third AC connection to Sweden will be completed in 2025. The transmission line will even out the price differences between the countries and improve the sufficiency of electricity.


Source: T&D World