Elprom Heavy Industries Launches a New Tap-Changer Brand – VOLTAP

With demand for electricity growing and projected to double over the next 20 years it is more important than ever to have stable partnerships with suppliers of reliable equipment.




Sofia, Bulgaria: Bulgarian tap-changer manufacturer Elprom Heavy Industries has launched a new brand for tap-changers – VOLTAP.

As the energy transition progresses, the challenges for the electric power industry also increase. With demand for electricity growing and projected to double over the next 20 years it is more important than ever to have stable partnerships with suppliers of reliable equipment.

To answer these challenges and support transformer manufacturers, grid operators and energy producers, ELPROM Heavy Industries is introducing its new brand – VOLTAP for all its tap-changer types. The new brand will include all tap-changers, accessories, spare parts, and services provided by the company. It will serve as a platform for further development of the tap-changer designs and enhancement in the production and logistical capabilities.

Elprom Heavy Industries is a manufacturer of on-load and de-energized tap-changers for over 70 years. All VOLTAP tap-changers manufactured by Elprom Heavy Industries meet the requirements of the IEC 60214 standard.

Elprom is introducing the new VOLTAP brand at the CWIEME Berlin. Meet us in Messe Berlin, South Entrance, Messedamm 22, D-14055, Hall 4.2, Stand 4207!

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