EM-Power Europe: Bringing more intelligence into the power grid

Burladingen, Germany, a town about an hour south of Stuttgart, will soon see a pioneering electrical substation connected to the grid.




Burladingen, Germany, a town about an hour south of Stuttgart, will soon see a pioneering electrical substation connected to the grid. Distribution grid operator Netze BW plans to put the transformer station into operation by the end of 2023. The station will be transforming electricity from the trans-regional 110,000-volt high-voltage grid to the regional grid’s medium-voltage. In the future, larger producers feeding in electricity can be directly integrated into the grid. The new hub for the transport and the distribution grid will be equipped with two transformers featuring state-of-the-art protection and control technology and weigh around 70 metric tons. In addition to glass fiber communication, integrated sensors will supply a cloud-based digital twin with real-time status data. What’s more, the high-voltage installation uses purified and compressed air instead of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).

As the energy transition progresses, power distribution is becoming more and more complex. Smart grids are needed in order to monitor power grids and control the flow of energy. This is where digital transformer stations come in. Anyone interested in learning more about the latest developments in transformers and other smart grid technologies will find a wealth of information at EM-Power Europe, one of the four exhibitions of Europe’s largest platform for the energy industry The smarter E Europe at Messe München from June 14–16.  EM-Power Europe is focused on modernizing and digitalizing the power grid into a flexible smart grid, and integrating prosumers, e-mobility and power-to-heat concepts into a holistic, renewable energy system. The exhibition will be accompanied by the EM-Power Europe Conference that presents the perfect opportunity to discuss the smart integration of decentralized energy installations, grid management and flexibilities into the energy system of the future with international experts.

Read here more about digital transformer stations