ESCC provides statement on Hurricane Ida power restoration effort

USA, Washington D.C.: The ESCC on 1 September issued a statement regarding the power restoration efforts underway in the wake of Hurricane Ida.


Image source: T&D World

USA, Washington D.C.: The CEO-led Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council (ESCC) on 1 September issued a statement regarding the power restoration efforts underway in the wake of Hurricane Ida.

“Hurricane Ida caused extensive damage to the energy grid throughout Southern Louisiana and parts of Mississippi, and our thoughts are with all of those who have been impacted by this historic event. The ESCC began convening calls last week to discuss preparations in advance of the storm and is highly engaged now with senior officials from the Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and National Security Council (NSC), and with executives from all segments of the electric power industry.”

“Entities impacted by Hurricane Ida — including investor-owned electric companies, electric cooperatives, and public power utilities—and their mutual assistance partners are committed to restoring power safely and as quickly as possible. Already, more than 25,000 workers from at least 32 states and the District of Columbia are mobilized to support restoration efforts.”

“While damage assessments continue, crews are working to restore service in areas where it is safe to do so. Road closures, flooding, and other accessibility challenges are impacting the ability of crews to reach some areas.”

“The transmission system is the backbone of the energy grid. As a result of Hurricane Ida’s catastrophic intensity, major transmission lines that deliver power into New Orleans and many rural areas are currently out of service, and crews continue to assess the extent of the damage. The damage assessments will provide more clarity of the work needed to ensure an efficient power restoration process and will allow crews to develop contingency plans should the damage require a longer duration rebuild of the impacted infrastructure.”

“Safety is always the top priority in any restoration effort. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, crews are following additional protocols designed to keep them safe and healthy. These protocols add an extra layer of complexity to the restoration process. Customers are urged not to approach crews and to remember the importance of social distancing so these mission-essential workers can continue to work safely.”

“America’s electric power industry and our federal government partners are fully committed to this restoration effort, and crews will work around the clock to restore power to every home and business that can safely receive power.”


Source: T&D World