Extensive repairs at Parys rural substation taking longer than expected

A transformer fault at Parys rural substation resulted in a fire that caused substantial damage to the control room.


substation control room

Image for illustration purposes

South Africa, Parys: As announced in a media statement issued on 27 May, a transformer fault at Parys rural substation resulted in a fire that caused substantial damage to the control room.

The incident happened at 20:32 on 26 May and led to a loss of electricity supply to Parys.

While it was initially estimated that supply would be restored by 28 May afternoon, the team has identified that additional material was required.  The material has been sourced and is on route to Parys. This has unfortunately delayed the restoration. The team is busy preparing on site for the arrival of the material and salvaging equipment to accelerate repairs.

As a result of these delays, supply will only be restored in the evening on 29 May.

The team is committed to restore supply to Parys as a matter of urgency while continuing to follow safety and COVID-19 protocols.

Eskom apologises for the inconvenience and urges customers to remain patient and to treat all electrical installations as live and dangerous at all times.

Source: Eskom