Hitachi ABB Power Grids helps OST modernize its network

Operatori Sistemit Transmetimit (OST), the Albanian transmission system operator (TSO), is modernizing and extending its network.


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Image vsource: Hitachi ABB Power Grids

Albania, Tirana: Operatori Sistemit Transmetimit (OST), the Albanian transmission system operator (TSO), is modernizing and extending its network.

To improve quality of service of the transmission system and support the development of Albania’s future electricity grid, OST selected Hitachi ABB Power Grids’ FOX615 equipment as the communication foundation for a pioneering hybrid telecommunication network around the capital city of Tirana. The network will support the migration from legacy TDM (time division multiplexing) to packet-switched network (PSN) technology laying the foundation for a future-proof communication system in the country.

As the first hybrid network in the region, OST’s telecommunication system will help improve grid reliability, reduce operating expenses, pave the way for digitalization, and enable new applications in the future.

The TSO has 15 administration substations and total power of 4,471 MVA, and Albania shares six interconnection lines with other countries. Over the years, OST has invested consistently to improve system reliability and cope with a projected 2.5 % annual growth in electricity demand, as part of an ongoing grid modernization program.

“A modern and reliable telecom network helps us improve the efficiency of our electrical grid and at the same time provide high quality services to our customers,” said Skerdi Drenova, chief executive officer, OST. “Digitalization of the power network is also the solution for a greener environment. As a result of our network upgrade project, we are progressing towards realizing the complete benefits of a modern utility telecommunication network,” he added.

Based on a collaboration spanning nearly two-decades, Albania’s power network is supported by Hitachi ABB Power Grids’ consulting expertise and industry-leading substation automation and communication solutions. In fact, OST relies on the FOX515 solution to provide a reliable communication link to support the interconnection lines and electricity exchanges.

“Modern communication networks underpin our customers’ ability to make their grids sustainable, while managing cyber threats and providing reliable power quality.  Our long association with OST, positions us as a trusted and reliable partner,” said Jon Bisaz, Europe Hub Manager for the Grid Automation business at Hitachi ABB Power Grids “Our hybrid communication architecture gives customers the option to operate both legacy and packet-switched networks at the same time, thereby ensuring no disruption of services and a phased migration at the pace the customer prefers” he added.


Source: Hitachi ABB Power Grids