Hitachi Energy to strengthen Bahrain grid

Bahrain: Hitachi Energy has announced winning a major order from Bahrain's Electricity and Water Authority (EWA).


a panoramic view of Bahrain

Image source: Hitachi Energy

Bahrain: Hitachi Energy has announced winning a major order from Bahrain’s Electricity and Water Authority (EWA).

The company will provide a power quality solution to improve voltage stability and increase capacity in the national high-voltage transmission grid.

A more resilient and stable grid transmitting more high-quality power will help Bahrain meet the growing demand for electricity and integrate large-scale renewables to reach its 10 % percent clean energy target by 2035.

“Bahrain is entering an exciting phase as it evolves its economy into new sectors and prepares to integrate large-scale renewables into its power mix,” said Mostafa AlGuezeri, Managing Director, UAE and Gulf countries. “A resilient power grid will play an essential role in helping the country achieve its economic, societal and sustainability goals.”

The solution comprises three SVC Light® STATCOMs (static synchronous compensators), which will be installed close to load centres to improve grid stability and increase power flows throughout the entire grid.

Hitachi Energy’s innovative SVC Light technology provides instantaneous reactive power in response to voltage fluctuations. It is part of a suite of grid and power quality technologies developed by Hitachi Energy to boost transmission capacity and increase the quality and resilience of AC power systems.

STATCOMs are typically used to bolster weak grids, integrate intermittent power supply from large wind and solar energy plants, and stabilize the effects of load fluctuations caused by large energy-using industries like aluminium and petrochemicals, both of which account for almost two-thirds of Bahrain’s energy use.


Source: Hitachi Energy