Hydropower plant Drini to get connected to Kosovo transmission system

KOSTT signed the connection agreement with Eurokos D.D. Ltd. for the connection of the hydro power plant Drini.


Kosovo Ilir M. Shala

Image Source: Ilir M. Shala, LinkedIn

Kosovo: KOSTT signed the connection agreement with Eurokos D.D. Ltd. for the connection of the hydro power plant Drini with 250 MW installation capacity to the Kosovo transmission network.

It is a big project with a total cost of over $338 M (€300 M), and with costs more than $30 M (€27 M) of new transmission assets, which will be connected to the transmission network of the Republic of Kosovo.

The hydro power plant will be connected to KOSTT substation SS Prizren 2, which will be upgraded at the level of 400 kV, SS 400 / 220 / 110 kV Prizren 2 in Nashec (Prizren).

The project is expected to be completed at the end of 2023.

Source: Ilir M. Shala, LinkedIn