Introducing MeDICA: The latest monitoring ecosystem for transformer diagnostics with integrated customer services and analytics

Join the Transformers Academy session on October 27 to learn more


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Image source: Comem


Transformers are complex but not perfect machines designed to last approximately 30 – 40 years, with some examples which have been in service for more than 50 years. They are critical to our electric infrastructure.

During the entire life cycle, the transformer end-user faces many challenges and needs to keep many asset health parameters and transformer safety under control.

As proactive and regular healthcare for the human body, predictive maintenance is fundamental for improved life quality and significantly increased lifespan of the transformer.

To guarantee the highest level of performance for the transformer during the entire life cycle, having the right tools for defining a sustainable maintenance strategy is vital.

MeDICA is the latest modular monitoring ecosystem for transformer diagnostics designed to give the end-user complete freedom and control over transformer digitalization.

No missed alarm due to continuous remote monitoring of the transformer functionalities.

By integrating and interpreting data from online monitoring and offline testing, the end user can build a sustainable proactive maintenance strategy that guarantees a longer life for the transformer while at the same time lowering the total cost of ownership.

MeDICA helps you:

– Gathering relevant health data

– Building a suitable maintenance strategy

– Prolonging asset life & lowering the total cost of ownership

– Preventing unexpected shutdowns

– Assuring an extended lifecycle of your assets while reducing operative costs.

Join the Transformers Academy session on October 27 to learn more