January at the TA: Emergence of methanol as a chemical marker for paper degradation and transformer specification requirements based on the applications and standards

If you are an avid learner, our January program will be of your interest and you will surely set the firm grounds for the learning season in 2023.


Transformer specification course - e-lesson #5

If you are an avid learner, our January program will be of your interest and you will surely set the firm grounds for the learning season in 2023. Here is what you can expect:

Transformer oil – e-lesson #15 – Emergence of methanol as a chemical marker for paper degradation

This lesson will be held live on 12 January at 3 PM CET and although it is vendor-agnostic, it is sponsored by Ergon.

Save your seat here.

As the previous two levels, the Master’s level as well is intended for utility engineers/chemists, transformer and oil manufacturers, students and faculty of educational institutes, oil testing laboratories, utility staff, etc. Lesson #15 deals with the emergence of methanol as a chemical marker for paper degradation.

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Transformer specification course – e-lesson #5: Power transformer specification requirements based on the applications and standards

This is lesson #5 in the Transformer specification course, authored and hosted by Mr. Marcos Ferreira. Here you can save your seat for the live broadcasting on 5 January 2023 at 6 PM CET.

Learn how to apply a ‘Scope’ based on applications and standards (e.g., IEEE, IEC, and Cigré), important things as part of building specification: (e.g., environment conditions and special considerations), which documents should be part of specifications: (e.g., nameplate, instruction manuals, physical dimensions drawings, and factory testing reports), and more.

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