January at the Transformers Academy: what you might have missed and what is coming soon

After a short break following the holidays, we have continued with hosting quality lessons at the Transformers Academy.


After a short break following the holidays, we have continued with hosting quality lessons at the Transformers Academy.

We started with Mr. Mario Salano‘s lesson on designing the electromagnetic function in a transformer and continued with Mr. Marius Grisaru‘s final lesson in the DGA course. If you have missed those lessons, check them on demand.

In the upcoming period, there is more to attend live at the TA.

Start today with Mr. Aleksandar Lojpur‘s lesson Design of power transformers: Core, and already tomorrow you can attend Mr. Marcos Ferreira‘s Technical requirements for power transformers.

In the final week of January, we will host four lessons, in the following order:

Balazs Sztari – Testing of auxiliaries of power transformers will take place on Monday, 24 January at 2 PM CET

Stefan Tenbohlen – Onsite measurement of PD will be held live on Wednesday, 26 January at 2 PM CET

Jon Giesecke‘s Visual Examination & Functional Testing goes live on Friday, 28 January at 3 PM CET

Power transformers contracting by Niel Malan will be broadcasted live on 31 January at 2 PM CET