Jiangsu Huapeng Transformer launches five new products

China, Jiangsu, Liyang: Five new transformer products submitted by Jiangsu Huapeng Transformer Co., Ltd. passed the expert’s approval Identification.


JSHP transformer

Image source: Jiangsu Huapeng Transformer

China, Jiangsu, Liyang: Five new transformer products submitted by Jiangsu Huapeng Transformer Co., Ltd. passed the expert’s approval Identification.

Entrusted by the China Machinery Industry Federation, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology recently hosted the “2020 Huapeng Transformer new product technical appraisal meeting” in Liyang for appraising the new transformer products.

This appraisal committee is composed of industry experts approved the following products submitted by Jiangsu Huapeng Transformer: 110 kV single-phase on-load voltage regulating epoxy resin dry-type power transformer, 330 kV auto-coupling three-phase air-cooled three-winding on-load voltage-regulating power transformer, 330 kV three-phase vegetable oil air-cooled on-load tapping power transformer, two oil-immersed transformers for offshore wind power generation.

Source: Jiangsu Huapeng