Kenya’s 400 kV transmission line

Kenya’s 93km, 400 kV line will be commissioned by the end of the year and connect to 414 km Tanzania line to facilitate electricity trade.


Kenya’s 400 kV transmission line

Image source: Energy&Utilites

Kenya, Nairobi: Kenya’s 93km, 400 kV line will be commissioned by the end of the year and connect to 414 km Tanzania line to facilitate electricity trade.

Kenya is nearing the completion of its section of the Kenya – Tanzania transmission line. Chirchir, Energy Cabinet Secretary stated that the 400 kV line is finished, and Kenya should commission the line before the end of the year.

The Kenyan section is 93.1 km long, running from the Isinya substation to Namanga on the Tanzania border.

The transmission line will have a transfer capacity of up to 2,000 MW in either direction, allowing both countries to trade electricity. The transmission line will also improve grid electricity connection in rural communities along the transmission corridor.

The Kenyan part of the project is estimated to cost $44 M. The Tanzania section of the line is about 414.4 km and is estimated to cost about $220 M.

Many East African countries are currently expanding their clean energy capacities. These countries believe that harmonizing their electricity markets is essential to improving affordable energy access across the entire region.

The East African Power Pool (EAPP) master plan has identified about ten interconnection projects that would facilitate energy trading within the pool. These projects when completed will also facilitate power exchange between the East and Southern Africa power pools, improving the electricity market and electricity supply reliability across both regions.

The International Energy Agency recommends regional power pools as a way to accelerate the deployment of grid-tied renewables, especially in countries with weak grid infrastructure. These interconnected grids can improve the flexibility needed to integrate more variable renewables ensuring supply reliability.

Source: Energy&Utilities