Largest transformer helps solve voltage drop in Mazandaran

Iran, Babol City: Iran's largest integrated three-phase transformer in Babol City, Mazandaran Province, has become operational.


Large transformer Iran

Financial Tribune

Iran, Babol City: Iran’s largest integrated three-phase transformer in Babol City, Mazandaran Province, has become operational.

“The transformer will help solve the problem of voltage drop in large areas of Mazandaran, including Babol, Amol, Babolsar, Mahmoudabad and Qaemshahr,” said managing director of Mazandaran and Golestan Regional Electric Company Kourosh Mousavi.

The transformer weighs about 210 T and has a capacity of 385 MVA, he added.

Speaking about other measures taken in the northern provinces of Mazandaran and Golestan, the official said about 900 MVA of transformers have been installed in the region since the beginning of the current Iranian year (March 2022).

Despite high consumption, there have been no blackouts in Mazandaran and Golestan provinces in the past four months, which shows that the installation of new transformers has helped stabilize the network, he added.

Three-phase transformers are used to change voltages of electrical systems with three phases. Their advantages is that they are lighter and smaller, thus easier to transport. They require less space to install and cost lower compared with three units of single phase transformers.

Voltage drop is the decrease of electrical potential along the path of a current flowing in an electrical circuit. Voltage drops in the internal resistance of the source, across conductors, across contacts and across connectors are undesirable because some of the energy supplied is dissipated.

Voltage drop occurs when the voltage at the end of a run of cable is lower than at the beginning. Any length or size of wires will have some resistance and running a current through this DC resistance will cause the voltage to drop.


Source: Financial Tribune