Markbygden delivers 370-tonne transformer to Piteå

A new 400/150 kV, 800 MVA autotransformer arrived on 28 October to Markbygden substation outside the city of Piteå.


T3 delivery Råbäcken

Image source: Tobias Hannu, Markbygden

Sweden, Piteå: A new 400/150 kV, 800 MVA autotransformer arrived on 28 October to Markbygden substation outside the city of Piteå, in the northern part of Sweden.

The transformer was commissioned by Markbygden Net AB, an electricity network company that works side by side with the growth of the project “Markbygden 1101”, one of the largest land-based wind farms in the world. Once in full scale, “Markbygden 1101” land area will in produce 12 – 15 TWh of electrical energy on annual basis. The company has already invested $6,7 B (SEK60 B) in the largest industrial investment along the Norrland coast.

The company’s mission is to ensure transmission of electricity from the wind farms to the Swedish main grid and this transformer makes it possible to increase the managed power from 1000 MW to 1800 MW.

The transfomer was supplied by Siemens in collaboration with Končar Power Transformers, and transported by Mammoet, a global market leader in engineered heavy lifting and transport. Design of the transformer has been developed by B+S grid solutions GmbH.


Source: Markbygden (Tobias Hannu, Chief Technical Officer)