New York Commission’s transmission project modifications

New York Commission approved modifications for transmission projects for 4 projects.


New York Commission’s transmission project modifications

Image for illustration purposes.

USA, New York: New York Commission approved modifications for transmission projects for 4 projects.

The New York State Public Service Commission has approved modifications to four transmission projects in New York to ensure reliability and improved distribution of clean energy across the State. The modifications will help increase system reliability and meet Climate Act requirements.

“New York is making significant upgrades and additions to the State’s existing transmission and distribution systems to integrate new large-scale renewable energy projects into the State’s energy supply, and we must ensure that these investments are smart and cost-effective,” said Commission Chair Rory M. Christian. “The modifications to existing or under-development transmission line projects we are approving today meet that definition.”

The four modifications are:

Rochester Transmission Project: The Commission granted Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation’s request to amend its certificate for the Rochester Transmission Project. The project includes the construction of a new 115 kV line approximately 10.8 km (6.7 miles) in length, the expansion of two substations, and the reconstruction of three existing transmission lines. The project’s aim is to increase reliability and strengthen the 115 kV network in western Rochester and will connect the expanded substations to address issues of low voltages and thermal overloads.

Smart Path: The Commission granted the New York Power Authority’s (NYPA) request seeking changes to the $484 M rebuild of the 138 km (86 mile), 230 kV Moses-Adirondack 1&2 line. NYPA sought Commission approval to operate the line at 345 kV, to eliminate upgrades to a switchyard and substation, and authorize a reroute.

Lockport-Batavia: The Commission granted minor waivers regarding National Grid’s application for the utility’s rebuild of its 56 km (35 mile) Lockport-Batavia transmission project.

Champlain Hudson: The Commission approved the Lake Champlain pre-lay mattressing segment filed by Champlain Hudson Power Express, Inc. and CHPE Properties, Inc., to install concrete mattresses to protect co-located submarine infrastructure in Lake Champlain.

Source: T&D World