North-east MSP welcomes investment in substation

UK, Scotland, MacDuff: Energy provider SSEN has announced it will upgrade equipment at the station powering MacDuff at a cost of $1.57 M (£1.2 M).



Image for illustration purposes

UK, Scotland, MacDuff: Energy provider SSEN has announced it will upgrade equipment at the station powering MacDuff at a cost of $1.57 M (£1.2 M).

Banffshire and Buchan Coast MSP Stewart Stevenson said the move would benefit thousands of residents. “This investment will boost the resilience of the network and serve more than 6,500 properties in the local area, ” Stevenson said.
“It will also help to allow for future growth in electricity demand. Some of this equipment was installed in the 1960s and has been due an upgrade so this next step is very welcome. I know this will benefit many people in the area, particularly with the demand caused by more people having to work from home and staying at home during the upcoming winter period,” added Stevenson.

Michael Hilferty, head of SSEN’s North Caledonia region, said, “Our priority is to ensure a safe, secure and reliable supply of electricity for our customers, and this investment goes a long way to delivering on that commitment for thousands of existing homes and businesses, as well as those looking to connect to our network in the coming years.”

Source: Eveniing Express