PG&E developing new remote grid systems to replace overhead powerlines

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) announced an expansion of its remote grid program


PG&E developing new remote grid systems to replace overhead powerlines - 850 x 400 px

Image source: T&D world

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) announced an expansion of its remote grid program, including progressing four new Standalone Power Systems in 2022 and deploying a standardized monitoring and control platform.

The remote grid will provide the same or better levels of electric reliability using locally sited solar, batteries, and back-up generators as a permanent alternative to traditional energy infrastructure such as poles and powerlines. It is also much safer in terms of lower risk of fire at lower lifetime costs.

Two wireless systems near Paskenta, one near Mariposa and one near Ahwahnee allow PG&E to remove 4.5 miles of overhead distribution electric lines while continuing to deliver the safe, reliable, affordable, low-carbon, and wireless energy. These new systems are under development this year and will be modeled on the successful deployment of PG&E’s first operational remote grid in Briceburg, which was commissioned in June 2021.

Source: T&D World