Powerlink builds eight towers to connect solar farm

Australia, Queensland: The Columboola Solar Farm project has reached its next milestone.


Columboola Solar Farm Towers

Image source: T&D World

Australia, Queensland: The Columboola Solar Farm project has reached its next milestone.

Powerlink is finishing work building eight transmission towers to connect the solar farm to the grid.

Powerlink Chief Executive Paul Simshauser said Powerlink was constructing two kilometres of transmission line and completing works at its existing Columboola substation as part of the renewable project.

“Assembling the transmission towers was no easy feat, with each tower comprising 15 t of steel atop 30 m3 of concrete foundations, extending up to six metres underground,” Simshauser said. “Our specialised crews will shortly commence works to string the powerline wires between the newly-built towers, which involves using a draw wire to expertly thread and tension the powerline wire.”

This new stretch of line will cross directly under an existing 275 kV transmission line. A range of comprehensive inspections and commissioning tests will then be conducted prior to safely energizing the transmission line, which is expected to occur in mid-2021.

Hana Financial Investment’s 162 MW Columboola Solar Farm signals the continuation of the renewable energy boom in the Western Downs, with the site expected to power the equivalent of 100,000 or around 6 % of homes across Queensland.

Hana Financial Investment Deputy General Manager Jaewon Lee said, “Based on the success of the Columboola Solar Farm, Hana Financial Investment will continue to invest and develop more renewable projects in Queensland with Korean power utilities to help build a greener future with sustainable growth.”


Source: T&D World