Professionals’ tips and tricks for level two condition assessment and strategic sourcing for power transformers

Announcing the upcoming live e-lessons in Level two condition assessment and Strategic sourcing for power transformers courses


L2 TCA lesson 12 and Strategic sourcing lesson 3 - combo featured news illustration

Image for illustration purposes

If you are a technician or an engineer with hands-on experience in testing and inspections of substations, or if you work in the field of procurement, management, manufacture or supply, than you can certainly look forward to the end of the January at the Transformers Academy.

We are proud to announce the Master’s level lesson of the Level two condition assessment course by Mr. Jon Giesecke, as well as the Intermediate level lesson of the Strategic sourcing for power transformers course by Mr. Niel Malan – both highly experienced each in their own area. Read on to learn more about both upcoming live e-lesson.

Visual Examination & Functional Testing

Mr. Giesecke shares his knowledge and some photos of findings that you may not ever see at your locations.  In his own words: “Relaxed and informative is the style of the day.”

Attend the session on 28 January, 3 PM CET, to learn more about these details:

  • How to approach a visual examination of a substation/transformer site
  • What to look for and the hidden signs of trouble that you may not know
  • Learn functional tests that you can do during the walk through and learn the valuable flashlight trick for flooded cell batteries

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Power transformers contracting

Mr. Niel Malan hosts the second lesson on the Intermediate level. It is suitable for category managers, procurement specialists, transformer manufacturers and component suppliers.

Attend the session on 31 January, 2 PM CET, to learn how to short list potential suppliers through an objective and transparent screening process, solicit proposals from selected suppliers for further negotiation or contracting.

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Both lessons are going to be available on demand after the live session.