Prolec’ s Collector Transformers for Renewable Power Generation Facilities

Reliability and Competitiveness in Delivery and Manufacturing Times


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Image source: Prolec


Reliability and Competitiveness in Delivery and Manufacturing Times

In recent years, we have witnessed an energy transition in power generation sources around the world. A perfect example of this is the United States of America, which has seen a remarkably fast change towards the use of renewable power generation sources. The decarbonization trend in the electrical industry is led not only by energy users, such as large corporations, but also by state and local governments with bold clean energy goals. However, the development and operation of renewable projects faces great challenges and risks that must be mitigated.

A renewable energy generation project encounters various challenges such as financing, obtaining permits, bringing power from a remote site to transmission lines, demanding project completion times, and strict cost and quality control of deliverables. One of the key components of the project is the substation’s main transformer. This unit is supposed to raise the voltage from 34.5 kV to a transmission voltage level that can range from 115 kV to 500 kV.

Some of the specific challenges faced by this transformer:

  • Customized design based on the specifications for each project.
  • Both, the project’s initial cost and the cost throughout the life of the same, must be highly competitive.
  • Transformer reliability (should the equipment fail; the entire solar farm will stop operations)
  • Specialized materials and components in compliance with Executive Order 13920.
  • Transformer delivery time (one of the longest in the project)
  • Strict requirements to qualify for tax credits for the transformer (PTC and ITC)
  • Shipment of large and heavy equipment to remote areas

When talking about renewable industry there are specifically 3 main elements with which Prolec GE responds to the challenges faced by the customer: Technical Experience, Strong Processes and Safe Harbor Business Schemes.

Technical experience that ensures compliance of Standards and customer requirements at a competitive price

Prolec GE works with a team of approximately 100 people with an average experience of 15 years in transformer design to guarantee all the Standard requirements and the customers’ technical specifications are duly met. Our Design team is highly specialized in electrical, mechanical and control design. Some of their tools are a combination of internal developments and specialized Finite Element and 3D CAD software that comprehensively ensure the optimal operation of the transformer. The main tool to ensure a competitive total cost of materials is the Design Optimizer. This software uses algorithms (property of Prolec GE) to iterate among thousands of different designs to find the best balance between materials and losses.

Strong processes that ensure product reliability

To efficiently take energy from wind and solar farms and bring it to urban centers, energy producers are increasingly connecting to higher voltage levels (EHV or Extra high voltage 345-550 kV).

Supply Chain: Prolec GE uses special Extra High Voltage materials and components and works with the best renown manufacturers in the industry. Through strategic agreements, it guarantees competitive supply and costs. In addition, for the end customer to have peace of mind, Prolec GE ensures observance of Executive Order 13920 by exclusively using materials from sources in compliance with this requirement of the United States government.

Manufacturing and Testing: The collector transformer is manufactured at the Apodaca plant in Mexico. The proximity to the United States and the efficiency of the processes allows us to provide the customer with the best delivery times for renewable energy transformers (30-34 weeks for units of less than 100 MVA and 42-48 weeks for larger ones). This facility is the largest transformer factory in America, and, in the Power area, it works with 3 laboratories for different voltage levels. The manufacturing and testing capacity is up to 1000 MVA and 550 kV, which perfectly meets the scope of renewable energy transformers (up to 400 MVA and 500 kV). Under normal conditions, customers come visit and witness the final tests in the Laboratory. An alternative to visiting in person is to make use of the high-definition cameras and a remote assurance system that we have installed and that allows consultants make sure that the equipment meets all Standard and specification tests.

Transportation and Installation: The importance of meeting the start-up deadlines for solar and wind projects is imperative (End-User Contracts and tax incentives). Prolec’s Logistics and Service Team takes care of all transportation details, including GPS monitoring of the unit until it reaches its destination, as well as the landing and installation of the same. This last process is critical to ensure the correct operation and useful life of the unit.

Safe Harbor scheme Maximizes Tax Benefits

Customers in the renewable industry looking to take advantage of the PTC and ITC tax credits find Prolec GE is the right partner to meet all government requirements. The alliances with our suppliers allow us to offer short delivery times in the manufacture of customized transformer components, with which customers are able to maximize the return on their investment. The experience of manufacturing hundreds of transformers for the Safe Harbor scheme has led us to refine the manufacturing processes.

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