SF6 Monitoring and Diagnostics for HV Circuit Breakers

SF6 has become the most common insulation medium for high voltage circuit breakers. Join us for a free webinar to examine the use of online SF6 monitoring as a means for ensuring optimal reliability through observation of real-time temperature pressure correlations, leakage rates and forecasting.




SF6 has become the most common insulation medium for high voltage circuit breakers. Join us for a free webinar to examine the use of online SF6 monitoring as a means for ensuring optimal reliability through observation of real-time temperature pressure correlations, leakage rates and forecasting. A better understanding of proper sampling methods and laboratory analysis will also be discussed to provide a more intuitive approach to the condition based maintenance of SF6 filled equipment. This webinar takes place on May 23rd from 3-4pm GMT. PDH Certificates are available upon completion of the live webinar. Register now.