Smart Transformer – Remote Measurement and Disconnection solution

Prolec GE offers solutions for monitoring and control of power supply with the aim of optimizing the (dis)connection and the consumption monitoring processes.




For energy companies, the effective control and management of the electricity supply is a latent challenge that increases as time passes, since non-technical losses represent significant expenses for the organization and must be addressed as a matter of priority. Currently, Prolec offers comprehensive solutions for monitoring and control of power supply with the aim of optimizing both the connection/disconnection processes as well as the consumption monitoring processes. To do this, it has developed a smart transformer that can measure and control remote disconnection to detect anomalies and improve the operating costs of energy companies. The solution is to add a control cabinet to a single-phase aerial transformer that houses up to 24 energy meters connected to the transformer phases – meeting the performance requirements described in CFE Specification G0100-05 [1] and NMX-J-116-ANCE-2017 [2]. In addition to covering the required number of meters, it also has the capacity to host data processing, power, and security devices.

Smart Tranformer
Image source: Prolec


Figure 1: Distribution of internal cabinet elements: gauges and information management devices.

The solution adapts to the Advanced Metering Infrastructure System (AMI) through robust communication schemes. Within the cabinet, the data measurement and analysis elements are communicated using PLC (Power Line Carrier) technology, which facilitates the internal distribution of these elements. Transformers are connected via point-to-point communication with cellular technology

The solution proposed by Prolec guarantees:

• Reducing Operating Costs – Improve operating costs through the efficient use of service crews. – Elimination of the open secondary network (Low Voltage).

• Reduction of capital investment – Replacement of conventional meters.

• Improve income – Reduce non-technical losses.

• Improve User Service Level – Reduce power recovery time in the event of an event.


Measurement System

The set of devices that carry out the measurement of voltage and current, power calculation, data conversion and analysis, and finally the transmission of these ones to the transformer network and the deployment module.


Consumption deployment module per user

Display of consumption information to the user via a digital screen with one-way communication from the energy meter to the module via PLC.



Information concentrator module for the intelligent management of the meters and sent information to the control center. Cabinet type meters with capacity to accommodate 24 measuring of 110V AC / and, or 12 of 220VAC. Data acquisition and bi-directional transmission via PLC communication between the meters and the concentrator module within each cabinet.


Software Management Center

Deployment of totalized data in Management Center software for interpretation, based on characteristics of an AMI data system. This triggers the actions needed for each event.



• Unlike conventional AMI systems, this system can centralize the measurement on the transformer’s BT (Lower Voltage) eliminating the open secondary network.

• This solution is integrated with the transformer and reduces installation times.

• This system provides information on the electrical parameters of the transformer that can be used to compare the sum of the user’s measurements against the transformer’s own measurement, warning of a possible theft of energy.

• This system is aligned with the objectives of reducing non-technical losses of electricity in general distribution networks.

For more information, visit



[1] Advanced Metering Infrastructure System (AMI), Specification CFE G0100-05. Review April 2015.

[2] Distribution Transformers (Aerial and Substation Type), Standard NMX-J-116-ANCE-2017. Official Journal of the Federation: 17 August 2017.


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