Specialised transformers for renewable energy projects

Zest WEG’s local transformer manufacturing facility has supplied 36 specialised photovoltaic transformers to a solar energy generation plant in the Northern Cape.


South Africa

South Africa

South Africa, Northern Cape: Zest WEG’s local transformer manufacturing facility has supplied 36 specialised photovoltaic transformers to a solar energy generation plant in the Northern Cape.

This heralds Zest WEG’s entry into the local production of transformers for the renewable energy sector, according to sales team leader Stuart Brown. He stresses that conventional ‘off the shelf’ distribution transformers are not adequate for these applications.

Distribution photovoltaic (DPV) solar energy transformers and generator step-up (GSU) wind turbine transformers are, therefore, specially designed.

To ensure the highest standards, the design had been reviewed by an international independent consultant, says Ronaldo Bertoldi, engineering manager at the facility. The dual-system PV transformers were manufactured to the customer’s specification of 3800/1900-1900 kVA and 22/0.66-0.66 kV.

The units were delivered to the project in batches between July and November 2019.

“This exciting step into the renewables sector was achieved through our technical collaboration with WEG’s extensive research and development resources in Brazil,” Brown says. “We see great potential in the future of renewable energy solutions in Africa, especially as generation technologies evolve for the harnessing of solar and wind energy.”

Source: Cape Business News