SSEN identifies new site for HVDC convertor station

SSEN Transmission has identified an alternative site on Lewis for its new HVDC convertor station and AC substation for the Western Isles HVDC link.


SSEN identifies new site for HVDC convertor station

Image for illustration purposes.

UK, Scotland: SSEN Transmission has identified an alternative site on Lewis for its new HVDC convertor station and AC substation for the Western Isles HVDC link, after feedback led to the discontinuation of a previous proposal. The site, on land owned by the Stornoway Trust and Macaulay Farm on Arnish Moor near Stornoway, follows a reassessment of site options after the company responded to community and landowner feedback and decided not to proceed with the original site at Creed North.

The location has been identified as the most suitable alternative after a detailed evaluation of options. This selection process was aimed at minimising community and landscape impacts, whilst seeking to balance key environmental, technical and construction constraints.

Discussions with the Stornoway Trust and owners of Macaulay Farm have led to proposals to acquire the land for development, and designs are being developed to ensure minimal impact on surrounding properties and Macaulay College, a local Community Interest Company. SSEN Transmission will continue to work closely with the Stornoway Trust to ensure the HVDC Connector and related infrastructure works benefit the communities on Lewis and the Western Isles. This will include looking at environmental enhancement opportunities in the area. The proposed land agreements with Stornoway Trust and Macaulay Farm enable the company to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment, key part of the planning application for the site.

Source: SSEN Transmission