Sterlite Power acquires Nangalbibra – Bongaigaon ISTS Project from PFC

India, New Delhi: Sterlite Power Transmission Limited has announced the acquisition of Nangalbibra ─ Bongaigaon Transmission Limited.


Image source: Sterlite Power Transmission Limited

India, New Delhi: Sterlite Power Transmission Limited has announced the acquisition of Nangalbibra ─ Bongaigaon Transmission Limited.

Nangalbibra ─ Bongaigaon Transmission Limited is a special purpose vehicle from PFC Consulting Limited, through which Sterlite Power will execute an interstate transmission system (ISTS) project which it won through tariff-based competitive bidding in October 2021.

The project involves setting up of approximately 300 km of transmission lines network and greenfield substation with 320 MVA transformation capacity across north-eastern terrain of Assam and Meghalaya. The project includes the following elements:

  • 250 km of 400 kV D/c transmission line connecting Bongaigaon in Assam to a greenfield substation at Nangalbibra in Meghalaya.
  • 220/132 kV substation at Nangalbibra in Meghalaya
  • 50 km of 132 kV D/c line connecting Hatsinghmari in Assam to Ampati in Meghalaya.

The project will transmit over 1000 MW of power from Assam to western parts of Meghalaya. Apart from bringing the additional power flow, the project is also aimed to help in decongesting the downstream networks in the region, thereby improving the quality and reliability of power flow in North-East India.

Source: Sterlite Power Transmission Limited