Survey of important contributions reviewed by Dr. Michel Duval – new lesson in DGA course open for registration

The 12th lesson in DGA course, created and hosted by Marius Grisaru, is open for registration. The lesson will be held on May 2, at 3PM CET. Save you seat here!




The 12th lesson in DGA course, created and hosted by Marius Grisaru, is open for registration. The lesson will be held on May 2, at 3PM CET. Save you seat here!


Dr Michel Duval one of the most important and influential pillars of DGA and transformer tests. This special lesson is presented and it tackles with the correct usage of his diagnostic methodology. This topic will be presented on the Master’s level. After the live session, the lesson stays available on demand.

The content of this lesson is fully vendor-agnostic, but it is sponsored by Baron.

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