Sustainability conference – announcement for the second day

Croatia, Zagreb: Transformers Magazine announces an extension of the conference Sustainability – outlook for the transformer industry, to be held in Zagreb on 20–21 October 2022.


Croatia, Zagreb: Transformers Magazine announces an extension of the conference Sustainability – outlook for the transformer industry, to be held in Zagreb on 20–21 October 2022.

Due to a higher interest in attendance and time slots for presentations, the conference on sustainability, initially planned as a one-day event, has been extended by one more day. Updated conference dates are 20 and 21 October. The conference venue and other information stay unchanged.

The agenda for the first day remains unchanged for the time being, while the agenda for the second day will be announced later, and it will include some interesting, practice-based contributions.

There is still room for two more presentations on the agenda for the second day since the interest is high, so interested parties should promptly contact Transformers Magazine’s team to save a time slot for their presentation.

TM’s Industry Navigator Conference 2022


Source: TM