Swissgrid to expand transformer system at Mettlen substation

Switzerland, Eschenbach: Swissgrid is expanding the transformer system at Mettlen substation (canton of Lucerne), an important node in the Swiss transmission grid.


Swissgrid substation expansion

Image source: Swissgrid

Switzerland, Eschenbach: Swissgrid is expanding the transformer system at Mettlen substation (canton of Lucerne), an important node in the Swiss transmission grid.

The ground-breaking ceremony marked the start of construction work for two new transformers, which will go into operation in 2024 and 2026 respectively.

Swissgrid is modernising the existing transformer system at the Mettlen substation in order to meet future grid requirements and power demand, thereby strengthening the security of supply in the long term.

A 380/220-kV transformer system with a 600-MVA transformer and a reserve pole is currently installed in the Mettlen substation. This transformer will be replaced by two new 380/220-kV transformers, each with a throughput of 800 MVA and each with three single-phase transformers. The new transformer system will also include a reserve pole that can be used for both transformers. The total project costs amount to $69.5 M (CHF 70 M). The contract for the engineering, fabrication, delivery and installation of the transformers was put out to public tender, and the contract was awarded to Siemens Energy. Engineering will be completed in autumn 2022, after which the first transformers will go into production at the Siemens Energy plant in Weiz, Austria.


Source: Swissgrid