Tata Power gives Mumbai country’s largest natural ester transformer

Tata Power has announced the commissioning of India’s largest natural ester-filled power transformer, in the Mumbai transmission network.


Natural Ester Transformer

Image source: T&D India

India, Mumbai: Tata Power has announced the commissioning of India’s largest natural ester-filled power transformer, in the Mumbai transmission network.

The 110/33/22 kV, 125 MVA transformer has been commissioned at the BKC (Bandra Kurla Complex) receiving station and was built in active collaboration with ABB and Cargill, a release by Tata Power said.

The natural esters used in these transformers have a high fire point (350 °C) and eliminate the risk of fire. The fluid is made from a carbon neutral renewable resource, is biodegradable, nontoxic and non-hazardous in soil and water.

This fluid allows designing a transformer with increased capacity and reduced carbon footprint, making it an ideal solution for congested cities like Mumbai, as opposed to conventional mineral oil-filled transformers.

Speaking on the initiative, Dr. Praveer Sinha, CEO & MD, Tata Power noted, “We have always been committed towards providing greener and sustainable solutions for our customers while ensuring uninterrupted power supply. We will continue to implement newer technological innovations and aim to reduce the carbon footprint along with improving overall performance.”

A pioneer in providing reliable and uninterrupted power supply to the city of Mumbai, Tata Power Transmission caters around 70 % of Mumbai’s energy. It has a network of about 1,200 km lines in and around Mumbai with a transformation capacity of about 10,500 MVA. The company is committed to implement cutting edge solutions to cater to the increasing power demand in the city where space is a constraint.


Source: T&D India