Teaching temperature rise: transformer cooling system types, cooling equipment and cooling methods

The content of the lesson is fully vendor-agnostic, but it is sponsored by TTP.


Design of power transformers - e-lesson #10 - 850 x 400 px

Lesson #10 in the Design of power transformers course, authored and hosted by Aleksandar Lojpur, will be held live on 26 January 1t 2 PM CET. It is conducted on the Intermediate level and you can save your seat here.

The content of the lesson is fully vendor-agnostic, but it is sponsored by TTP.

TTP-Technologies logo v2


Attend it to learn about the transformer cooling system types, cooling equipment and cooling methods. Get familiar with the topic of thermal image for different cooling methods and hear some tips and tricks related to the low hot spot design, advantages and drawbacks of different cooling systems, hot spot factor for the test field, and more.

 Save your seat now!