Technology and market research 2021

We have prepared a global research with the aim of gaining a deeper insight into the current situation and future trends across the value chain in our industry.


Transformers Magazine has prepared a global research with the aim of gaining a deeper insight into the current situation and future trends across the value chain (transformer materials and components, manufacturing, operation, applications, etc.) in our industry.

The research questionnaire has been published – you can access it here.

Some of the questions that we would like to get answered in this research are:

  • What are the key challenges in the grid that have an impact on transformer requirements?
  • What should be the focus of innovations in the transformer industry in the next 5 years?
  • Which technologies for transformer components will have priority in the future?
  • What is the level of acceptance of digital tools, communication, artificial intelligence etc. in our industry?
  • There are also many other relevant questions that will be answered based on this research. If you are interested in getting such answers, please fil in the questionnaire.

We are looking forward to your participation!