Tell us how the Transformers Academy can serve you better

Request the most affordable education for your business and career development!


Your opinion matters

Your opinion matters

Request the most affordable education for your business and career development!


The objective of the TA (Transformers Academy) is to make the latest knowledge and experience globally accessible and affordable, and to provide a stage to those who want to benefit from teaching and knowledge sharing.

In order to systematically prepare the content that will be available in the TA, we have prepared two surveys, one for those who want to learn, and the other for those who are ready to teach.

The surveys take only a few minutes each, and your inputs will help us prepare the content that you will need and enable us to deliver it in the most affordable way.

If you are interested in learning in the TA, please choose as many topics as the number of e-lessons you expect you will need to attend in the next 3 to 5 years in order to achieve your business and personal objectives.

The survey for learning is available here.


If you would like to teach in the TA and have sufficient educational background and the experience, please let us know which topics would be of your interest in teaching.

The survey for teaching is available here.


The surveys contain the same topics, so you can easily participate in both whether you are an expert in some fields and you would like to tech others, or want to further develop your skills.