The U.S. electric grid brings power to millions of homes and businesses and needs to keep up with the increased demand and climate change

Like air and water, electricity is essential for our daily life. Power energy consumption continues to grow and stresses the existing system.




Like air and water, electricity is essential for our daily life. Power energy consumption continues to grow and stresses the existing system.
The grids’ performance, stability, and efficiency depend on the physical structure of the grid.

There is a growing demand for new infrastructure in the North American market. The electric utilities need to replace or upgrade the existing transmission and distribution lines reaching the end of their useful lives. New power lines are also needed to maintain the electrical system’s overall reliability and provide links to new renewable energy generation resources, such as wind and solar power, often located far from where electricity demand is concentrated.

New transformers, the key links in the energy value chain, must comply with ANSI/IEEE standards that set performance and safety requirements.

The same standards are applied to transformer accessories.

We can help you make your transformer easy to operate and maintain for the end-users.

Our portfolio for the North American market includes:

·       Shutter valves
·       Relays and gauges
·       Breathers
·       Winding & Liquid Temperature indicators
·       Liquid level indicators
·       Pressure relief devices
·       Combined Resin Silicon Bushings
·       Monitoring ecosystem for transformer diagnostics MeDICA

All solutions are compliant with national and international standards and fully meet the safety requirements.

We provide solutions for different applications and installations in special environments, from Offshore & Marine to seismic areas, and digital monitoring.

We have a solid and proven installed base and our team of experts will take care of your request during the entire project lifecycle, from the product selection to the installation, commissioning, and after-sales support.

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