Traction transformer service supporting reliable and sustainable transportation

Hitachi Energy’s transportation and mobility segment is abuzz with preparations to participate in the Innotrans 2022 Rail fair in Berlin in September, the leading international trade fair for transport technology.

 by Vincent Moine

Hitachi Energy traction Innotrans

Image source: Hitachi Energy


Hitachi Energy’s transportation and mobility segment is abuzz with preparations to participate in the Innotrans 2022 Rail fair in Berlin in September, the leading international trade fair for transport technology.

There are several untenable situations that train operators face – situations that prove expensive to them in terms of costs, reputation, and viability. These are the factors that could cause them “pain” in both the short- and long-terms. Some may face train stoppages due to unplanned traction transformer outage. There is the potential danger and risk for people and the environment, due to possible oil leakage.

Fortunately, Hitachi Energy’s long experience and expertise in the field of traction transformers and their service, delivers the perfect solution for all these issues; endeavoring to prevent instead of simply cure. We at Hitachi Energy are continuously trying to innovate and better our products and services, by offering more environmentally friendly, resource-use-efficient products that are undemanding of too much maintenance.

TransForLife solutions™ is the complete package of on-board traction transformer services that Hitachi Energy offers its rail customers, both train manufacturers and owners/operators. The on-board traction transformer is a crucial component in the rolling stock traction chain. Rather than react to problems when it is too late, TransForLife Solutions™ make it possible to predict and rely on traction transformer performance with confidence.

The TransForLife Solutions™ portfolio is essentially a one-stop service support facility for all on-board traction transformer needs. These rail care solutions are organized as modular service concepts according to the needs and requirements of the clients:

  • Rapid response: fast and flexible expert services are offered to maximize on-board traction transformer and rolling stock availability
  • Lifecycle management: knowledge and expertise are provided to optimize and extend equipment lifecycle with strategic spare parts
  • Performance improvement: enhancing rolling stock performance, reliability, and lifetime through powerful tools to reduce the risk of outage

Our dedicated service centers and traction transformer experts are constantly on standby to keep all the equipment running and online; they extend factory repair and remanufacturing services under the ambit of TransForLife Solutions™. Midlife overhauls, upgrades, and retrofits – these services enhance the longevity and performance of existing equipment with the latest technology. Our attempt is to enable sufficient rolling equipment buffers with the customers, so that they may tide over unexpected problems. The customer’s staff is trained thoroughly and appropriately so that many problems and issues can be dealt with at the customer’s end. The Field Service / TrafoSiteRepair™ service offering provides on-site maintenance service to keep rolling stock running.

We try to contain damage so that the repairs remain small jobs that can be carried out at the customer’s premises, instead of needing to cart the equipment off to the factory for repair.

Replica / Spare transformers can be supplied – this service essentially covers the risk of service interruption in case of major damage – even for old designs from the last century or more recent ones manufactured in the last decade. Genuine spare parts and / or Replica spare units for on-board traction transformers are always available. Finally, advanced services, digitalization, and service agreements are offered to conduct preventive maintenance and optimize costs and performance over the product’s entire lifetime, and efficiently manage the total life cycle of the equipment.

From trains to cable cars to vessels, buses and even planes – Hitachi Energy delivers continuous solutions for the electrification of transportation. By providing a comprehensive portfolio of products, systems, service, and software solutions, we enable more sustainable, flexible, and secure passenger transportation – and this is what we showcase as our strengths at the Innotrans 2022 Rail fair in Berlin.

Traction transformers | Hitachi Energy

Transformer service | Hitachi Energy