Transformer Testing Course – E-LESSON #1 fully booked in less than 24 hours!

In less than 24 hours of the registration period for the Transformer Testing Course – E-LESSON #1, hosted by Balazs Sztari, the session is fully booked.


The first step of the Transformers Academy (TA) was more than successful – in less than 24 hours of the registration period for the first e-lesson, Transformer Testing Course – E-LESSON #1, hosted by Balazs Sztari, the session is fully booked.

We would genuinely like to thank all our registrants and invite you to stay on track with our future TA lessons. To pre-register for all the upcoming and on-demand lessons, please go here. This way you will shorten your future process of registration to a particular lesson.

Moreover, if you still want to attend the Transformer Testing Corse – E-LESON #1, by siging up to TA for free, you will be able to receive the announcement when the lesson is available here, in the Academy “on-demand” section.

If you are already subscribed to the Tranformers Magazine, you can use those credentials for the Transformers Academy – no need to subscribe again.

Stay tuned!