Transformers Academy: E-lesson FLEETSCAN 2D: Condition Assessment of Power Transformer – available on demand!

The live e-lesson was held on 30 July 2020 at 2 p.m. CET


fleetscan 2D

Image source: MR

The live e-lesson titled FLEETSCAN 2D: Condition Assessment of Power Transformer was held on 30 July 2020 at 2 p.m. CET at the Transformers Academy by MR’s Alexei Babizki and Alexander Zanon.

If you have missed it, please, attend it on demand here.

About the FLEETSCAN 2D e-lesson

Transformers installed all over the world are becoming older and older. Operators are facing new challenges such as higher and fluctuating loads from renewable energies, changing specifications from regulator, and a lack of information about the condition of the assets. While the maintenance and replacements strategies used to be based primarily on the age alone (time­-based maintenance approach), the current trend is headed towards condition­-based maintenance approach.