Transformers Academy – E-lesson Implementing and Monitoring Overall Equipment Efficiency of Transformers – open for registration!

The lesson will be held live on  Wednesday, 9 September 2020.


Implementing and Monitoring Overall Equipment Efficiency of Transformers

Image source: Georg

This e-lesson, hosted by Ales Bertuzzi – Transformer Process, Alexander Tschoeltsch – Georg and Joachim Ehrig – BR Technology will be held live on  Wednesday, 9 September 2020, at 2:00 PM CET. If you want to register, please, go here.

About the lesson:

The presentation shows important considerations on how to implement and monitor the Distribution Transformer Process looking at the Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) becoming an important KPI which takes into account the mix of Availability with Productivity and Quality.

While monitoring solutions are already common in different processes and applications, not all companies in the transformer field are paying the required attention to this important issue. Furthermore, digitalization and connectivity of new machines will allow deeper analysis and improvements of combined production processes.

A good improvement of actual situation can be taken through the close collaboration between forward looking transformer manufacturers and suppliers of processing equipment with an innovative approach.

Any processing equipment should be able to communicate with each other, with the design office and the supplier, allowing important data sharing that, if well organized, contributes to important process improvement and optimization. Considering all factors like Machine, Man, Materials, Methods.