Transformers Academy: E-lesson Transformer Asset Management by “Digitizing” & “Digitalizing” Temperature Measurements – available on demand!

The live e-lesson was held on 20 July 2020 at 1 PM CET.


The live e-lesson titled Transformer Asset Management by “Digitizing” & “Digitalizing” Temperature Measurements was held on 20 July 2020 at 1 PM CET, at the Transformers Academy, by Dr. Bhaba Das.

If you have missed it, please, attend it on demand here.

The first lesson held by the same presenter is also available on demand, and you can register here.

About the Transformer Asset Management e-lesson

Many countries are very well placed to benefit from Electric Vehicles (EV). However, pressure would be highest at the lowest network level i.e at the LV distribution level as energy diversity in consumer groups at that level is the least and geographically, people with similar socio- economic grouping are present.

This means there will be fast-growing clusters of the LV network where consumers are able to invest in EV’s. Here, a paradigm shift of the load profile on distribution networks is expected to take place upon full EV penetration. However, limiting EV penetration is not an option for the utility or the government as the push for green energy gains momentum. The development of supporting technologies such as the distribution transformer for EV charging is also very urgent. Any distribution transformer failure due to EV charging would be a severe blow to EV adoption.

ABB has developed the world’s first digital distribution transformer to meet the evolving needs of today’s grid with focus on EV charging. The TXpert digital distribution transformer measures, stores, and trends operating data and calculates transformer consumed life. It uses mature and reliable sensing technology with industrial computing components integrated directly into the transformer during manufacturing. TXpert increases LV network visibility, increases transformer optimized utilisation, provides accurate estimate of transformer retirement age. With added intelligence in distribution transformers, utilities can reduce operation costs, increase uptime, optimize maintenance, and avoid unplanned outages.