Transformers Academy: Everybody deserves the best e-learning

Transformers Academy – education and collaboration platform, carefully designed and implemented for our joint knowledge communication.


It has been more than a decade since we have started to communicate quality industry content in the Transformers Forum and later through the Transformers Magazine. We feel privileged for the great cooperation that we have had so far with all of you.

As in all other life spheres, here too came the time to broaden the scope of our activities, so we came up with a very practical e-learning platform.

We bring you the Transformers Academy – education and collaboration platform, carefully designed and implemented for our joint knowledge communication.

Exactly what is Transformers Academy, and why should  you take a few moments to get to know it?

It is the result of our community’s years-long aspiration to have a whole package in the form of integrated platforms: Transformers Forum, Transformers Magazine, and Transformers Academy as the puzzle that was missing.

We warmly welcome everyone to the Transformers Academy and invite you to join this e-learning mission in a way that is the most convenient to you.

We have an offer for you who are interested in learning and improvement of your skills and competences.

There is also an opportunity to host a session or a course at the Transformers Academy.

Experts interested in teaching positions with the Transformers Academy are welcome to collaborate within the Transformers Academy.

Businesses that have innovative products and services and wish to train people to apply them are also welcome to collaborate.

Regarding the topics you can contact us here.

Transformers Academy team supports customers in the preparation, presentation, promotion, and the follow-up of the session. Moreover, we make sure the participants know they attend the session containing reliable information, leaving equipped with new knowledge, and enriched with fresh perspective on the previously acquired knowledge.

We hope that your collaboration through the Transformers Academy will be a good investment in your future.

If you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions, your can contact us here.

Check out the official Transformers Academy website to know more!