Transformers Academy: Transformer Asset Management by “Digitizing” & “Digitalizing” Temperature Measurements – open for registration!

This live e-lesson will be held on 20 July 2020 at 1PM CET at the Transformers Academy.


This live e-lesson will be held on 20 July 2020 at 1PM CET at the Transformers Academy.

E-lesson’s author and presenter will be Dr. Bhaba Priyo Das from Hitachi ABB Power Grids.

Click here to register.

In recent years Asset Managers have been increasingly experiencing three major challenges – avoiding risk, optimizing performance and minimizing cost of operation (TOTEX). These must all be achieved under operational constraints such as ageing infrastructure, increasing scrutiny and cost competitiveness, renewable energy penetration and even an ageing or retiring workforce! In order for the utility to operate successfully under such stringent operational environment, better asset management strategies are needed. The answer is: Digitize and Digitalization of the power network – Operation of the power network based on real time based “factual data” and operational insight rather than traditional assumptions or point in time observations. Digitizing & Digitalization allows optimum utilization of assets without loss of customer service and reliability.

Digitization is achieved by the use sensors which enable temperatures (and other key parameters) to be available for intelligent devices, where as “Digitalization” is the use of this data in digital technologies to impact how the task in hand can be best achieved. Digitization also improves the accuracy of temperature measurements as these are not traditional capillary based instruments and have the ability to use exact values of parameters needed for the thermal model.

Such intimate knowledge of temperature and condition, which is continuously available in real time feeds directly to the concept of digitalization. Digitalization allows the following:

·        Increased reliability and reduced risk of unplanned outages.

·        Reduced maintenance costs due to reliability centered maintenance

·        Loss of transformer thermal life tracking.

·         Trending and comparison of key parameters over time.

·        Advanced cooling – fans could be started at the instant increase in temperature is detected rather than have to wait till steady state higher temperatures are encountered.

This e-lesson # 2 will present how digitization and digitalization of temperature ensures a paradigm shift in transformer management and how this provides the foundation for future digitalization requirements.